
Pedro Alonso

I'm a software developer and consultant. I help companies build great products. Contact me by email.

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NextJS Posts

Authentication in Next.js 14 with NextAuth.js
26 min read

Authentication in Next.js 14 with NextAuth.js

Building a Shopping Cart with React and Local Storage
16 min read

Building a Shopping Cart with React and Local Storage

Stripe Checkout and Webhook in a Next.js Application
16 min read

Stripe Checkout and Webhook in a Next.js Application

Smart Login in Next.js with NextAuth.js
7 min read

Smart Login in Next.js with NextAuth.js

Web Development

Mastering JavaScript Array Methods: Map, Filter, Reduce, and More
8 min read

Mastering JavaScript Array Methods: Map, Filter, Reduce, and More

Test-Driven Development (TDD) with Node.js and Jest
8 min read

Test-Driven Development (TDD) with Node.js and Jest

Node.js Security 101: Protecting Your Application from Common Web Attacks
12 min read

Node.js Security 101: Protecting Your Application from Common Web Attacks

Dev Ops & Cloud

Terraform AWS EC2 Instances or Spot Instances For Development
15 min read

Terraform AWS EC2 Instances or Spot Instances For Development

WordPress, Ghost and NodeJs on your own PAAS with CapRover ($5/month)
15 min read

WordPress, Ghost and NodeJs on your own PAAS with CapRover ($5/month)

Deploying Ruby on Rails 7 on Your Own Heroku, Using Dokku
11 min read

Deploying Ruby on Rails 7 on Your Own Heroku, Using Dokku

Hosting NodeJs Apps on Your Own Heroku, Using Dokku
18 min read

Hosting NodeJs Apps on Your Own Heroku, Using Dokku

Automate Rails 6.1 Provision and Deployment on Ubuntu 20.04 using Ansible
7 min read

Automate Rails 6.1 Provision and Deployment on Ubuntu 20.04 using Ansible

Automate the Deployment of PostgreSQL to EC2 ARM Using Terraform
18 min read

Automate the Deployment of PostgreSQL to EC2 ARM Using Terraform

Hosting PostgreSQL on a t4g Graviton2 ARM Instance on AWS EC2
7 min read

Hosting PostgreSQL on a t4g Graviton2 ARM Instance on AWS EC2

Other Posts

6 min read
A Year of Learning Generative AI: A Software Engineer's Journey

A Year of Learning Generative AI: A Software Engineer's Journey

14 min read
A Beginner's Guide to Docker Containers and Images

A Beginner's Guide to Docker Containers and Images

13 min read
How to Build an Online Store with WordPress & WooCommerce

How to Build an Online Store with WordPress & WooCommerce

12 min read
Professional WordPress Setup in AWS Lightsail From $6 per Month

Professional WordPress Setup in AWS Lightsail From $6 per Month

10 min read
How to Set Up a Ghost Blog in AWS including a CDN ($6/month)

How to Set Up a Ghost Blog in AWS including a CDN ($6/month)

4 min read
What I Look for in a Dashboard Template in 2021

What I Look for in a Dashboard Template in 2021

Developer Tools